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Colour Glasses

Through colour therapy, especially by wearing colour glasses, you can increase your personal well-being. In contrast to normal vision aids such as contact lenses or eyeglasses, which compensate the defective vision but do not support the healing process, colour glasses stimulate the sensory organs.

In this way, you can stimulate the self-healing powers of your eyes and other organs and thus you can influence your well-being positively.

The colours of the rainbow have properties for the preservation and restoring of your health balance. Your mood can be individually stimulated by wearing coloured glasses. The natural energy released depends on the quality of the vibration of the colour. You can provide your body with the energy which is missing currently by wearing glasses in the appropriate colour.

It has been scientifically proven that the colour red makes aggressive. At the same time, red stimulates the metabolism and the immune system. Orange is the colour for positive energy and joy of life. If you want to improve your mood, you should wear orange coloured glasses. Yellow is the colour of light and represents optimism and joy. It is effective against depression. At the same time, the colour yellow enhances concentration and communication.

Green is the colour of nature and reassurance. It reassures the senses and represents safety as well as hope. In the colour therapy, green is used for heart disease. Light green represents the inner balance. The colour turquoise can stimulate openness and freedom. In case of infections and allergies of all kinds, the colour therapy with turquoise can support healing and protect the immune system. Blue is the colour of the sky and represents peace and confidence on the one hand. On the other hand, this colour tone represents longings. Wearing blue coloured glasses can help if you suffer from sleep disturbances and inflammation.

Indigo is the expression of spiritual sublimity, wisdom and perfection. Indigo can cool and reassure cells faster than wearing blue glasses. The colour violet has a cleaning and purifying effect, at the same time it supports concentration and self-confidence. Wearing a pair of purple glasses can have restraining effect on appetite. The shades of pink represent idealism and compassion. Magenta is used in colour therapy as first aid in shock situations. Pink soothes and reduces aggressions - for the sake of your health, just see everything through rose-coloured glasses!

If you are not completely sure about your decision, feel free to order several pairs of glasses on trial. In addition, you have the opportunity to contact us by phone for a detailed consultation, even if you have already received your colour therapy products. Due to the fast shipping you will soon have your order at home and can start training. Try all our products calmly, because we guarantee you a right of cancellation.

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Items 1 - 11 of 11

Color therapy glasses "Classic" - 10 diffrent colors available

25,90 € *
Product available

Color therapy glasses "Classic-White" - 10 diffrent colors available

25,90 € *
Product available

Color Glasses for Children "Pro Kids" - 10 diffrent colors available

24,50 € *
Product available

Colour Therapy Glasses "PRO" - 10 diffrent colors

25,90 € *
Product available

Color therapy glasses "Round" - 10 colors available

25,90 € *
item not available

Color therapy glasses "Medium" - 10 diffrent colours available

25,90 € *
Product available

Color therapy glasses in a set of 10

174,90 € *
item not available

Color therapie glasses "Classic" - Set of 10

174,90 € *
item not available

Color therapie glasses "Medium" - Set of 10

174,90 € *
item not available

Colour glasses for children "Pro Kids" - Set of 10

160,50 € *
Product available

Color therapie glasses "Round" - Set of 10

174,90 € *
item not available
+49 8721 12888-0
MO - FR: 08:30 - 13:00 Uhr